Our Beliefs

We are a Christian community. We are a congregation in the United Church of Canada. The United Church of Canada finally formed in 1925 in the union of Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregationalist churches. Later the Brethren Church joined.
As a denomination our New Creed professes our faith in a God who continues the work of creating, Jesus who continues to renew and reconcile, and the Spirit who works in us and others. Our “Song of Faith” reflects the Poetry and Spiritual life that inspires our beliefs.
Here at Lowville United Church we seek to begin, to deepen, and to develop a Spirituality from which we can discern what God is calling out of our lives. We hope to grow in our consciousness of Christ’s outrageous and healing love for the earth and the world, and to be freed to be vessels of that profound outpouring.
At Lowville United Church we find a place that has held the prayer life and encouraged the ministries of its people for 160 years. We find an inter-generational community here, we seek encouragement, healing and a pathway to positive connections with life here.
We believe Christ’s hospitality has brought us here, and we believe Christ’s welcome would be shared with you too. You are welcome here!
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