Thinking of getting married? Lowville United Church welcomes both of you!
Marriage is your celebration of a relationship that intends to be loving, faithful, responsible, just, healing and sustaining of both you and your partner. Your wedding is one day given over to celebrate your marriage. You will share the day with good company, joy, love and feasting!
Typically both of you will meet with the minister a few times to plan the wedding ceremony which may take place in the Lowville United Church sanctuary. There is an invitation also to enter into some pre-marriage conversation around your family of origin and the learned “norms” that will play out in your marriage. It is an opportunity to grow a little more in your understanding of each other and your deepening relationship. You will have opportunity to plan with the organist the selection of music as well.
The Lowville sanctuary has been part of blessing Marriages since it was first erected in the 1850’s. Many couples have felt a special connection with this place. We think you will agree that this a wonderful place for such sacred occasion!
For more information or to book a meeting with the Minister contact the church office - 905-335-0911.